Suppliers of the jointly developed services of the DigiOne project have been tendered. Contracts have been made with four companies whose strengths and knowhow will promote achieving the ambitious goals of the DigiOne project. The new service developers will provide the project with the best experts to develop each part of the service package.
DigiOne will alter the everyday life of schools and educational institutions to a significant extent. It will replace many services used for providing education in the seven cities that participate in developing DigiOne. Thanks to open interfaces, it will be easy to add services by public and commercial actors on the DigiOne service platform. The service platform will combine all the services required in education and learning into a single, easy-to-use package.
Hailer Oy, an information and communication technology (ICT) expert, will provide the Home-school collaboration service. The service combines communication and interaction between home and school into one place, increases the preconditions for interaction, and makes supporting students and pedagogical activities easier.
The Application and decision-making service is implemented in cooperation with Kuntien Tiera Oy. Their solution, known for its user-friendly forms and processes, as well as for its flexible process management. It expedites and eases electronic transacting between guardians and students, as well as improves data security.
The Austrian company Untis GmbH won the tendering for the Timetable planning service. The Untis solution, which utilizes efficient optimization, is used in 76 countries worldwide, in more than 26,000 schools. The service facilitates effective use of resources, and it will be further developed to better meet the requirements of Finnish high-school education.
The Education design service provides totally new possibilities of better utilizing curriculum data in planning teaching, assessment, and learning. The winner of the tendering, BeanBakers Oy, is famous for its software-development projects that combine expertise in digital service design, software, and teaching technologies.
The DigiOne service package has been developed since 2019. Development is carried out in cooperation between Kuntien Tiera Oy, Gofore Oyj, and Alfame Oy experts. More than 500 experts have participated in the project, most of them professionals in the field of education.
DigiOne reforms the education field
Thanks to new partners, DigiOne can develop services reforming the education and instruction field and create a seamless entity that supports learning, non-discrimination, joint development, co-teaching, and changing the culture of education. The services will be a fixed part of the DigiOne service platform, which makes it possible to effectively manage all the functions of education in a manner that is beneficial to all parties concerned.
”It is always a major challenge to put public services out to tender. I am extremely satisfied with us gaining the companies that represent the top of their fields as our development partners! It has been great to notice that all the companies involved are willing to set the bar high, as well as to cooperate. The next couple of years will be most challenging and a stern test for all of us. Nevertheless, I am confident that together we can succeed”, comments project director Kirsi Lehto.
DigiOne facilitates the everyday lives of those working in the field of education in addition to providing a lot of valuable data on both learning and learners. What is essential is that the data on an individual student flow flexibly in the DigiOne service as the student passes from one educational level to another, and the data are available in a collected and easy-to-analyze format to all those that need them. Thanks to the shared platform and ecosystem, education arrangers can easily adopt different education-technology services available on the market. The aim is that the DigiOne platform-economy ecosystem will attract a significant number of new and innovative service providers in the future.
”At the moment, the municipalities participating in developing DigiOne comprise more than a quarter of the population of Finland. We are building a scalable model whose starting point is to extend the services later from basic and high-school education to also cover early childhood and vocational education. Our aim is that 80 municipalities will be included in 2028”, Lehto continues.
Syftet med DigiOne-projektet är att bygga ett nytt slags plattformsekonomiskt ekosystem inom utbildningsområdet. Den digitala tjänsteplattformen samlar olika tjänster från utbildningsanordnare som främjar förnyelsen av den pedagogiska verksamhetskulturen. Ekosystemet utvecklas för att underlätta och förbättra vardagen för elever, lärare, rektorer och annan personal och för att främja lärande, gemensam utveckling och jämlikhet. De tjänster som tillhandahålls genom projektet kommer att utvidgas till att omfatta alla finländska kommuner från och med 2024. DigiOne är ett gemensamt projekt mellan sju kommuner: Esbo, Jyväskylä, Lahtis, Uleåborg, Tammerfors, Åbo och Vanda samt Kuntien Tiera. Under projektet fungerar Vanda stad som värdstad, och efter projektet kommer Kuntien Tiera att ansvara för DigiOne.
Mer information
DigiOnes projektledare
Kirsi Lehto
DigiOnes styrgruppsordförande
Ilkka Kalo